Retaliation and protection against reprisals under the Whistleblowing Act

It has been widely reported that the whistleblower protection law is the result of the transposition of a European directive, which is of great importance and can be an asset for companies, as it allows them to identify, within their…

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Culture of Ethics and Compliance: The differentiating factor for successful real estate agents
Culture of Ethics and Compliance: The differentiating factor for successful real estate agents

Ethics and compliance are fundamental to the success of any business, and the real estate sector is no exception. A culture of ethics and compliance can help ensure that real estate companies operate in a fair and transparent manner, protecting…

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Accounting Fraud: Understanding its Implications and How to Protect Yourself
Accounting Fraud: Understanding its Implications and How to Protect Yourself

Accounting fraud is a problem that can seriously affect a company’s financial health, as well as its credibility with investors and the general public. Understanding what accounting fraud is, its implications and what you can do to protect your company…

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Legal Whistleblowing: Efficient Procedures
Legal Whistleblowing: Efficient Procedures

Handling reports related to the Whistleblowing Act requires specific procedures to ensure that reports are dealt with effectively, fairly and in compliance with the regulations in force. Here we summarize some of the appropriate procedures for dealing with whistleblowing reports…

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10 essential tips for preventing money laundering in your company
10 essential tips for preventing money laundering in your company

Implementing effective money laundering prevention measures requires a structured process and the participation of the entire organization. Here are practical tips to help companies in this process: 1. Constant Awareness and Training Provide ongoing training for all employees on money…

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Revealing the challenges of regulatory compliance in the financial sector
Revealing the challenges of regulatory compliance in the financial sector

Financial institutions face several significant challenges in relation to regulatory compliance, making it a complex and challenging task due to a number of factors. Here are some of the inherent challenges and how whistleblowing software can help mitigate them:  …

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The power of the whistleblower: discover inspiring case studies
The power of the whistleblower: discover inspiring case studies

In this article we present 2 case studies of courageous whistleblowers who helped expose wrongdoing and promote positive changes in society and in the future of handling sensitive information. One of the most notable whistleblower cases is that of Daniel…

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Whistleblowing Law: Corporate Responsibility and Compliance
Whistleblowing Law: Corporate Responsibility and Compliance

Compliance with whistleblowing law, is a crucial part of corporate responsibility. It involves creating an environment where employees (as a minimum, although for best results the focus should much wider) feel safe to report fraudulent, unethical or illegal activities without…

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Estatísticas revelam a importância da conformidade no sector financeiro
Statistics show the importance of compliance in the financial sector

Let’s explore statistics that illustrate both the challenges and benefits of compliance in the financial sector: Compliance Challenges in the Financial Sector: Cost of Compliance: The overall cost of regulatory compliance in the banking sector can be substantial. According to…

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Luta contra a Fraude Empresarial: Identificação e Prevenção
Fighting corporate fraud: Identification and prevention

The fight against corporate fraud involves both identifying and preventing fraudulent practices within an organization. Here are some specific strategies for both areas, to get you thinking, analyzing the feasibility of possible implementation in your organization, and taking action with…

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